Malone Associates Ltd


Joe Malone

38 Richmond Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottingham, NG17 7PR, United Kingdom
01509 767827

Joe Malone BSc (Hons) MCIOB MCABE

Joe Malone is a CIOB Chartered Builder, a Chartered Building Engineer, a degree qualified building surveyor, a visiting guest lecturer at Coventry University and a published technical writer. Our business, Malone Associates Ltd, has a strong specialism in building defect analysis and building pathology and we do a great deal of expert witness work relating to damp, disrepair and construction defects.
Joe Malone has been teaching damp investigation and remediation to industry surveyors and undergraduates since 2006 and is one of the leading UK experts and damp and disrepair. As part of his academic commitment he writes and maintains the popular construction defect blog site.