
Inspiration at the heart of new Novus competition

We’re always impressed when hearing how and why our members join CIOB and Novus; they are motivated to give back to the industry and support those coming up into construction behind them. That’s why we would love to hear from you!

Last updated: 9th August 2018


We’re always impressed when hearing how and why our members join CIOB and Novus; they are motivated to give back to the industry and support those coming up into construction behind them. That’s why we would love to hear from you!

As part of our Novus ten-year celebrations, Past President Rebecca Thompson FCIOB is delighted to be launching our video competition; a chance for you to share with us your inspiration. We want to see short 2-3 minute videos, shot on a phone or camera, where you tell us who or what it was that encouraged you into a career in construction, and how you hope to inspire others in your career.

Film yourself, upload it to YouTube and submit your entry by emailing the video link to [email protected] by Friday 10 August. It’s that simple!

The top three will be selected from our internal judging panel and then will be published on our website for a public vote. What are we looking for in a winner? Keep it simple and honest; tell us how you ended up in the construction industry and how you hope to pass on that love of construction to the next generation.

As the winner, you’ll be given the opportunity to meet with Rebecca and take part in an exclusive interview for  Construction Manager Magazine. Perhaps you would like to find out more about Rebecca, how she has progressed within her own career or what it was like to be the President of the CIOB….well now is the perfect opportunity!  

Want an example of an entry? Watch Rebecca, Managing Director Terry Watts, and Knowledge Hub Manager Gina Al-Talal below as they share their inspiration and how they hope to inspire others.

Terms and conditions apply. You must be a student or young professional in the industry to enter this competition. The CIOB will cover the cost for a face to face meeting for a UK winner. If the winner is based overseas, a Skype session will be facilitated.